Keypad Press Issue with newer version

Earlier my code was working fine with version V3.3.
void onKeyReleased(EventKeyboard::KeyCode keyCode, Event *event);void Menu1::onKeyReleased(EventKeyboard::KeyCode keyCode, Event *event)

With v3.10
Not working.

Your code fragment doesn’t make much sense, but it looks like you’ve subclassed Layer or InputDelegate, enabled keyboard support and then overridden the onKeyReleased method to try and capture the keyboard press. Is that right?

You can format code using three backticks e.g. ``` // code here ```. Or with just two if you want it inline in a sentence.

If you don’t override the onKeyReleased method, does the baseclass method get called?

Yes,I have subclassed of Layer Class.
I am also getting problem with multitouch control what was working fine with v3.3 now it is not supporting on iPad.

I’m not particularly familiar with the differences between 3.3 and 3.10.

You’re going to have to provide a better example of your source code and more of an explanation if you’d like additional help and also answer the question from my first response.

My intuition would be that something subtle has changed between the versions. My recommendation would be for you to create a simple example of touch input using the methods recommended in the documentation to debug why it’s not working. If you do that and still have no progress then post that example code and I’ll provide some assistance.

Multi touch issue solved for iOS.
I changed file
[eaglView setMultipleTouchEnabled:YES];

and everything work fine.