Keyboard input is not working on Windows in fullscreen mode

i need my game to be opend in fullscreen mode on desktops under Windows. Unfortunately when the fullscreen mode is set ( by calling GLViewImpl::createWithFullScreen in AppDelegate.cpp) the game is not able to read keyboard input. After clicking into textfield The game window strangely blink and when typing text it does not show anything in the text field (but the text is there).

Do anybody know if this issue could be somehow solved? When no fullscreen mode is set, everything works. (i use cocos creator 1.5.2)

Thanks for replying!

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I have same problem with editbox. Did you find a solution?

Not really. I launch the game withou fullscreen mode and let user to switch the app window to the fullscreen mode. Then it works.

Thanks for quick reply.
How to get rid of window title and frame around the screen? I don’t want user to stretch the game window freely.