Just starting on Cocos2dx - Would like to know how a Hello World program actually works please!

I am just starting on Cocos2dx. I followed the tutorial here(http://paralaxer.com/cocos2d-x-project-setup/) and set up a helloCpp project for iOS.
I got a Xcode project which, when built and run, produces the desired effect.

What I would like to know is, what actually happens when the project is executed in Xcode?
Not in detail, but just the basic stuff…stuff like which class(or function or file…I’m not sure) is executed first and when the actual code of Classes/HelloWorldScene.cpp is executed…
Can anyone explain(or atleast point to some good source which explains the same)?

And also any suggestions on how to start building on this base project(i.e to add my own code) are much appreciated!

Thanks! :slight_smile:

As you are a beginner is iOS platform, I think, at first you should read any beginner iOS book or tutorial to understand the basics.
On the other hand if you want to learn quickly(which is a bad idea) then please check the method “bool AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching()” of AppDelegate class.
Its the starting point of any iOS app.

Ah thanks! so the CCDirector’s object is the scene manager, right? now everything sorta makes sense…


if you want to learn quickly(which is a bad idea)
No offence, but I hate reading/learning stuff before actually doing something. I strongly believe in the “learning-as-you-go” approach! :slight_smile: