jsoncpp error

Hi, I’m using Scons to compile jsoncpp 0.5 with ‘platform=linux-gnu’ , after that I import the libjson_linux-gcc-4.2.1_libmt.a into xcode and build, but here comes the error:

file was built for unsupported file format which is not the architecture being linked (i386)

I’m using mac os 10.7.2, xcode 4.2.1, is there anything wrong with my compile params or build settings?

I found the error, too.
I almost know the reason maybe your mac is 64bit, but iPhone is 32bit.
Try compile jsoncpp using mac 32bit, I have no the mac of 32bit, so I haven’t try it, but I have tried the static library in Mac app, it works!
Good luck!

I found the error, too.
I almost know the reason maybe your mac is 64bit, but iPhone is 32bit.
Try compile jsoncpp using mac 32bit, I have no the mac of 32bit, so I haven’t try it, but I have tried the static library in Mac app, it works!
Good luck!

I found the error, too.
I almost know the reason maybe your mac is 64bit, but iPhone is 32bit.
Try compile jsoncpp using mac 32bit, I have no the mac of 32bit, so I haven’t try it, but I have tried the static library in Mac app, it works!
Good luck!