Jsb_polyfill.js error since Cocos Creator 1.5.1 release

I get this error when trying my project on android (it works great on the webbrowser, no error at all).

/jsb_polyfill.js line:19644 msg:TypeError: fixture.GetShape(…).GetChildCount is not a function

I’m using the one-side-platform.js file provided in the physics example and the error is triggered by the line

let platformFaceY = selfCollider.getAABB().height / 2;

I tried with Creator 1.5.2 beta 2 and I have the same issue.

how can this be resolved?


I faced the same issue. Do you know how to fix it to now?

It’s been a while, if i remember correctly I just changed the way I was doing this. Sorry!

Thanks for your quick reply.

I find a function
in version 1.7.0
Can you try?