javescript binding native cocos2d-x code(MoonWarriors) run crash when run for a while.

dear cococ2d-x guys:
I just run MoonWarriors, when I enter game to play, after about 3 minutes, game crash…

crash blog:

m_pScheduler~~>update; —>
(m_pTarget->*m_pfnSelector)(m_fElapsed); —>
JS_CallFunctionValue(cx, m_pThisJsObj, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(m_pCallBackFuncObj), 1, &arg, &rval);

can somebody tell me why?
Is cocos2d-x & javescript binding still need some time to be stable…? or can I use cocos2d-x & javescript bind to develop new games now?

ps: which way is more better to develop cross platform games between cocos2d-x(native code) and cocos2d-x && javescripte binding( native & web) ?

any suggestions are appreicate. :slight_smile:

How to run MoonWarriors under jsbinding mode?

Any instructions?

Fixed at 2.0.4.