Is this a good way to store an sqlite database?

This is my first time using an sqlite database, I just want to make sure this way works and I haven’t missed something obvious in what I’m trying to do here:


#include "cocos2d.h"
#include "../Libraries/sqlite3.h"

using namespace std;


class DataScene : public Scene {

    static sqlite3* _database;

    typedef Scene super;

    static  sqlite3* getDatabase();
    virtual void onEnter() override ;
    virtual void onExit() override ;



And in the source file:

#include "CCDataScene.h"
#include "../CatAndToast/CatAndToastConfig.h"

using namespace std;


sqlite3* DataScene::_database = nullptr;

sqlite3* DataScene::getDatabase() {

    return _database;

void DataScene::onEnter() {

    string path = FileUtils::getInstance()->getWritablePath() + DB_NAME;
    string sql;

    auto result = sqlite3_open(path.c_str(), &_database);
    if (result != SQLITE_OK) {

        CCLOG("open database failed, error: %d", result);


void DataScene::onExit() {


    _database = nullptr;


Advantages of this:
–It’s better than just opening and closing the database connection in whatever function needs the database, because I don’t have the risk of then calling another function that opens a concurrent connection.
–It’s better than a true singleton, because I don’t have to remember to open and close the database connection. I just have to run a DataScene, and as long I’m in one, the database is there, and as soon as I’m not in one, the database is gone.
–Making the database connection a static variable avoids breaking the Liskov Substitution Principle with a messy dynamic_cast<DataScene*>(Director::getInstance()->getRunningScene())->getDatabase(). This way, I’ll just always know that if I’m not in a DataScene, DataScene::getDatabase() will return null, and there’s no need to get the DataScene object and treat it as such.

Sorry, what are you asking?

I open on app start and close on app exit.

I have a SQLManager class that handles all of my sql operations.

That would be a Singleton pattern, and I’ve been reading that that’s considered bad form. For instance:

Yes a singleton. I am happy to share mine if you need it.

I know how to implement a singleton. I’m trying to avoid piling another singleton on top of Cocos’ already-singleton-heavy architecture, although I’ve compromised a little for the sake of preserving LSP.