Is there a NODE that can lighten its children with a given mask image?

I need such kind of NODE to lighten its children, which works just like the CCClippingNode.

I think a shader and a alpha image are required. But how to write the shader and how to use the alpha image? Thanks.

You can color/tint a Node:

You can also use a Shader:

Thanks for the answer.

  1. In my understanding, color/tint can only darken the sprite. If I want to make the sprite more brighter, I have to use shader.
  2. After reading the “Shaders and Materials”, I still have no idea how to achieve my goal. I’m not so familiar with the shader language and the mechanism behind it. An example may be more helpful for me.

search these forums for plenty of examples. We will update the docs to make them more useful.

There are several ways to achieve something like this, depending on your use case.
For a simple use case you could also overlay with a sprite which BlendFunc is set to BlendFunc::ADDITIVE.

How to use shaders with several textures, here is a small example, your case might be more complicated.

// define a fragment shader (you could also put this in a file and load it).
// Maybe you need a vertex shader too, but I'm using the default one
const char * yourFragShader = R"(
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;

uniform sampler2D u_texture;
varying vec4 v_fragmentColor;
varying vec2 v_texCoord;

void main(void)
    gl_FragColor =  v_fragmentColor * (texture2D(CC_Texture0, v_texCoord) + texture2D(u_texture,  gl_FragCoord.xy / 128.0));

// load your texture (in this case it's a 128x128px repeating texture, 
// that will be statically overlayed, that's why I divided 
// gl_FragCoord by 128 in the fragment shader)
    auto texture = Director::getInstance()->getTextureCache()->addImage("texture.png");
    Texture2D::TexParams p;
    p.minFilter = GL_LINEAR;
    p.magFilter = GL_LINEAR;
    p.wrapS = GL_REPEAT;
    p.wrapT = GL_REPEAT;

// then create your GLProgram and GLProgramState:
    auto prog = GLProgram::createWithByteArrays(ccPositionTextureColor_noMVP_vert, yourFragShader);
    auto progState = GLProgramState::create(prog);

// add the texture
    progState->setUniformTexture("u_texture", texture);

// and finally set the programState for your sprite    

I once had something like this to do, you need a shader :slight_smile: