Is there a easy way to read/write a 2 dimensional array with key-value in c++

Hi All,I am a php programmer before, the 2 dimensional array with key-value is pretty easy to read and write in PHP.
now,I am trying to write a normal app using cocos2dx, and need read a data set from sqlite db.
Is there a easy way to read/write a 2 dimensional array with key-value in c++ ?

DataSet like :

$user_table = array ( 0 => array ( "UserName" => "coco", "pw" => "abc","Adress" => "12,xxxxxx,China"),
                      1 => array ( "UserName" => "Bill Gate", "pw" => "edt","Adress" => "22,xxxxxx,USA"),
                      2 => array ( "UserName" => "Jonathan Ive", "pw" => "dcd","Adress" => "33,xxxxxx,USA"),

Found a solution :

Using CCArray~~>[ CCArray~~> CCDictionary ( key-value ) ]

// Get Record (Without callback)
CCArray* SqlUtil:: getDataSet(string sql){
    // int count;
    sqlite3_stmt * statement;

    CCArray * dataSet = new CCArray;

    sqlite3_prepare_v2(pDB, sql.c_str(),-1,&statement, NULL);


        CCDictionary * feild = CCDictionary::create();
        CCArray * record = new CCArray;

        int num_column = sqlite3_column_count(statement);
        int i;
        string textValue;

        for(i = 0; i < num_column; ++i)
            //CCLog("{ key1-name: %s }", sqlite3_column_name(statement,i));

            switch(sqlite3_column_type(statement,i)) {

                case SQLITE_TEXT:
                     textValue =  string(reinterpret_cast(sqlite3_column_text(statement,i)));
                case SQLITE_INTEGER:
                     textValue = DataTypeConvert::i2s(sqlite3_column_int(statement,i));
                case SQLITE_NULL:

            feild->setObject(CCString::create(textValue), sqlite3_column_name(statement,i));
            CCString* pStr1 = (CCString*)feild->objectForKey(sqlite3_column_name(statement,i));


    //-----------------Start : example for read Record set------------------
    CCObject * it = NULL;

    CCARRAY_FOREACH(dataSet, it){

        CCObject *it2=NULL;
        CCArray* recordItem = static_cast(it);

        CCARRAY_FOREACH(recordItem, it2){
            CCDictionary* fields = static_cast(it2);
            CCDictElement* pElement;

                //----------Print recrod-----------------------------------------------------
                //get field by key
                CCString* pStr = (CCString*)fields->objectForKey("cardId");
                CCLog("{ key1: %s }", pStr->getCString());

                CCDICT_FOREACH(fields, pElement){
                    CCString* value = (CCString*)pElement->getObject();
                    CCLOG("%s : %s",pElement->getStrKey(),value->getCString());
    //-----------------End : example for read Record set------------------


    return dataSet;

You can also use std::map in c++, using anything as the key (probably a string) and anything as the value (a struct or object in your case)