Is it worth migrating to 2.0.2?

I am in the middle of a project and currently using 2.0.1. I have no problem rewriting ( and optimizing at the same time ) my code so that it works with 2.0.2 but is it worth the time and effort? From the changelogs, I find nothing that concerns my project except the multi-resolution support ( which I still haven’t tested ). Is it worth migrating to 2.0.2?

I think you should test multi-resolution first, then make a decision.
If think multi-resolution works and saves you many work, i think it is worth.

If I use CCEGLView::setDesignResolutionSize(), will it scale all sprites ( existing ones and new ones ) and I won’t have to use setScale( ) anymore? If it does then it’s a big time saver for me.

For example, I created a sprite first, set the resolution size, then create another:

void MainLayer::drawScreenObjects( ) {
   CCSprite * firstSprite = CCSprite::create( "Actor0-0.png" );
   this -> addChild( firstSprite );
   cout << "firstSprite.getScale( ) = " << firstSprite -> getScale( ) << endl;

   // The above should display "firstSprite.getScale( ) = 1.0 )

   CCEGLView::setDesignResolutionSize( DESIGN_RESOLUTION_SIZE ); // I still don't know the arguments ( still downloading 2.0.2 )

   CCSprite * secondSprite = CCSprite::create( "Actor1-0.png" );
   this -> addChild( secondSprite );

   cout << "firstSprite.getScale( ) = " << firstSprite -> getScale( ) << endl;
   // Will the firstSprite be scaled even if it's created before the Resolution Size was set?

   cout << "secondSprite.getScale( ) = " << secondSprite -> getScale( ) << endl;
   // I assume the secondSprite will be scaled into the new scale depending on the Resolution Size.

I know I should call setDesignResolutionSize( ) in the layer’s init( ) but what if?

Yeap, it will scale all sprites.