Is it safe to use cocos2d-x 2.2.6 with c++11?


I have a couple of games written using cocos v2 and I need to support them. I want to use c++11 features in the my code, but It will be too expensive to move to the cocos v3.

I can change default compiler settings to enable c++11 for v2, but I can’t find any info about consequences of this. Is there any pitfalls?


I would expect you should be able to compile the old source just fine. But any issues you will have will be apparent at compile time, so it’s worth trying.

A quick google on c++11 backwards compatibility brings up:

I already built and run my projects using new compiler on ios and android without any problems. But I’m afraid of runtime errors. I think that all must works as well as before, but I have no enough skills to be sure.