Is cocos2d-x 0.8.2 running under opengl for win32 version already ? :slight_smile:

This is great news.
So, did anybody test it yet?

Also, in theory this will mean that later on it can also be ported to MacOSX?

Any updates on this? Did anyone tested this patch?
If so, will it be integrated in the main branch?

I tested this version, and works fine, even works on
a virtual machine with no graphics card,
but I found some issues:

  • can not enable retina display
  • wave effects doesnt work
  • custom ttf fonts doesnt work

In order to compile on visual studio 2010 I need
to setup include libraries for gl and add glew32.lib GLFW.lib GLFWDLL.lib
in linker options, and Opengl32.lib on linker comand line options.

Aditionally I need to change window creation
pMainWnd~~>Create, 480, 320, 480, 320));
pMainWnd~~>Create(“cocos2d-test”, 480, 320, 480, 320));

Any other tester???


RenderToTexture does not work too.
It popup a crazy message : “The Opengl ES version is lower than 1.1 , and test may not run correctly.”
it does not work and crash in third “Rendertotexture” sub test.

Im not sure if this version is better than Opengl ES and PowerVR library for Windows platform.
I prefer OpenGL if render to texture works, im not sure if i can fix it by myself :-s