iphone 4 simulator?

Does cocos2d win32 emulator allow development for iphone 4 that has higher screen resolution?

modify this file: HelloWorld/AppDelegate.cpp, in function

bool AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching()

here’s the HVGA window

#elif defined(CCX_PLATFORM_WIN32)
    if (! (m_pMainWnd = new CCXEGLView()) ||
        ! m_pMainWnd->Create(L"HelloWorld", 320, 480))

change to resolution of Retina

#elif defined(CCX_PLATFORM_WIN32)
    if (! (m_pMainWnd = new CCXEGLView()) ||
        ! m_pMainWnd->Create(L"HelloWorld", 640, 960))   // change the resolution

It works.