Ipad simulator is slow! why ?

Why, the cocos2dx run fast in iphone simulator, it’s 60fps, but it run slow in ipad simulator, it’s 15fps! why?

Which app? HelloWorld? or which test case in tests?

I got a similar result in HelloWorld.
in 3GS simulator, it’s 60fps.
But for iPhone 4 / iPad, it is around 30fps.

How about on real phone?

60fps HelloWorld in iPhone4.
cxb, probably this is related to the performance of your machine?
Have you tried with cocos2d-iphone?

Maybe it is the issue of the simulator.

from my experience simulator is ALWAYS very slow when it comes to handling graphics. guess its because its an emulator of the iOS system. there is a lot of discussions about it. you should search for it… i usually only test on device when im making games, don’t take the simulator as an base on how it will actually run on the device.