Ios11 :Touch screen edge is 0.5 second response delay

ios11 :Touch began screen edge is about 0.5 second response delay, Cause I play button delay response!!!

sorry, can you clarify?

Touch events responding is delayed when 3D touch is ON , iOS 11.

ios10 sdk is fine!

We have found the solution.

for(UIGestureRecognizer* gesture in window.gestureRecognizers)

add those lines to your class after

[window makeKeyAndVisible];




amazing!! it is fine. thanks

We’ve actually seen reports of this as iOS11 spreads in usage too and it’s a fairly important fix.

As of iOS11 tapping near the bottom of the screen (in landscape orientation), (possibly within the bottom 10% of screen space of an iPad but more on iPhones) touches are delayed by around half a second from tap-down OS-level (most likely due to swipe from bottom gesture recognisers) Touches released before .5seconds elapsed are completely lost.

The fix in this thread does indeed seem to fix the issue and I’d recommend possibly applying it to the cocos2dx templates/library or wherever this is appropriate.

@zhangxm I think we need to include this fix in

Yep, i think we need it.
@mertcankurum will you mind to send a PR to cocos2d-x to fix it?