IOS + CreatorV1.8.1 + PluginFacebookV2.3.17.5 + onSharedCancel when Share success + in browser and in facebook app

Here is my code

    var info = new Object();
    info.type  = "link";  = "";
    info.title = "cocos2d-x";
    info.text  = "Best Game Engine";
    info.image = "";

It could share success on facebook native and browser,but always callback onSharedCancel. anyone could help?

Sorry, have no ideal on this bug. Cause I always got onSharedSuccess when share success, got onSharedFailed when share failed.

Both iOS and Android.

I test on iPhone6 IOS9.2 , i will test on iPhoneX later.

iPhoneX os11.2 works well,but iPhone6 ios9.2 got onSharedFailed
when share success in browser .So weird.

I’ll test in on iOS9 Simulator.

acknowledge and good luck!

I’m downloading the iOS simulator. So sloooooooooooow.

dialog link success on iOS 9.2 simulator, no iOS9.2 device, sorry man.

Well thank you all the same.:joy:

when you got onSharedFailed, what’s the message in the callback?

I’ll check the log, just a moment.

Here is the log , it’s works well on FB native but also onShareCancel when share success on browser, wish it could help.

2018-02-01 10:35:38.770 FishGame-mobile[34202:9088002] FBSDKLog: FBSDKAppEvents: Flushed @ 1517452537, 1 events due to 'Timer' - {
        "advertiser_tracking_enabled" = 1;
        "anon_id" = "XZ0C116E8C-36B0-411D-AD22-637E54293D13";
        "application_tracking_enabled" = 1;
        event = "CUSTOM_APP_EVENTS";
        extinfo = "[\"i2\",\"com.ipalmplay.domino\",\"1.0\",\"1.0.0\",\"9.2\",\"iPhone7,2\",\"zh_CN\",\"GMT+8\",\"\U4e2d\U56fd\U8054\U901a\",667,375,\"2.00\",2,56,24,\"Asia\\/Shanghai\"]";
        "url_schemes" = "[\"fb1042126042552183\"]";
    Events: [
        "event" : {
          "_ui" : "FBSDKContainerViewController",
          "_eventName" : "fb_dialog_share_show",
          "fb_dialog_mode" : "Automatic",
          "_logTime" : 1517452528,
          "_implicitlyLogged" : "1",
          "fb_dialog_share_content_type" : "Status"
        "isImplicit" : true
    Flush Result : Success
    2018-02-01 10:35:41.480 FishGame-mobile[34202:9088002] FBSDKLog: FBSDKAppEvents Persist: Writing 0 events
    2018-02-01 10:35:41.498 FishGame-mobile[34202:9088002] FBSDKLog: FBSDKTimeSpentData Persist: {"lastSuspendTime":1517452541,"numInterruptions":14,"sessionID":"5A2E9412-1A2D-471F-96F1-0254670AD8B5","secondsSpentInCurrentSession":178}
    D/ (172): UIApplicationWillResignActiveNotification
    2018-02-01 10:35:41.585 FishGame-mobile[34202:9088002] FBSDKLog: FBSDKTimeSpentData Restore: {"lastSuspendTime":1517452541,"numInterruptions":14,"sessionID":"5A2E9412-1A2D-471F-96F1-0254670AD8B5","secondsSpentInCurrentSession":178}
    2018-02-01 10:35:41.587 FishGame-mobile[34202:9088002] #### ACTIVE
    D/ (182): UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification
    JS: onSharedCancel============
    JS: share canceled
    2018-02-01 10:35:53.420 FishGame-mobile[34202:9088002] FBSDKLog: FBSDKAppEvents: Flushed @ 1517452552, 1 events due to 'Timer' - {
        "advertiser_tracking_enabled" = 1;
        "anon_id" = "XZ0C116E8C-36B0-411D-AD22-637E54293D13";
        "application_tracking_enabled" = 1;
        event = "CUSTOM_APP_EVENTS";
        extinfo = "[\"i2\",\"com.ipalmplay.domino\",\"1.0\",\"1.0.0\",\"9.2\",\"iPhone7,2\",\"zh_CN\",\"GMT+8\",\"\U4e2d\U56fd\U8054\U901a\",667,375,\"2.00\",2,56,24,\"Asia\\/Shanghai\"]";
        "url_schemes" = "[\"fb1042126042552183\"]";
    Events: [
        "event" : {
          "_ui" : "FBSDKContainerViewController",
          "_eventName" : "fb_dialog_share_result",
          "_logTime" : 1517452542,
          "fb_dialog_outcome" : "Completed",
          "_implicitlyLogged" : "1"
        "isImplicit" : true
    Flush Result : Success

and here is my callback codes

onSharedSuccess: function(data) {
self.showText(“share successful”);
onSharedFailed: function(data) {
self.showText(“share failed”);
onSharedCancel: function() {
self.showText(“share canceled”);