[iOS] Cocos2d-x 2.0.2 multi resolution for iPhone 3 & iPhone Retina

Using Cocos2d-x 2.0.2 I use a design resolution of 640x960 - so all images have this size.

With this setup in code , the iPhone 3 (non retina) images will have wrong postion coords.

I use the same coords in point for retina & non retina - since this is how retina on iOS works. Same position coords but just 2x resolution assets

Any help?

I thought setting the design resolution (non retina) would just work also for placing images?

Looks like the current multi res. solution just scales images, but I think it should scale the position of the images, too.

@ if(getTargetPlatform()!=kTargetIpad){
//Retina for iPhone only
if(! pDirector->enableRetinaDisplay(true)){
//None Retina then set design resolution size 640x960
CCEGLView::sharedOpenGLView()->setDesignResolutionSize(640, 960, kResolutionShowAll);
else{ //iPad case
CCEGLView::sharedOpenGLView()->setDesignResolutionSize(640, 960, kResolutionExactFit);

Yeah, enableRetina is meant to be used the other way around, you design your game for 320x480 and then enableRetinaDisplay() (graphics are 640x960 but coordinates for 320x480).

But, I think you might be able to do this: Looking at the code for enableRetinaDisplay you will see all it does is call “setContentScaleFactor(newScale);” where the scale for normal is 1 and retina is 2. Since your game is “1” at 640x960 then I think all you need to do is call “setContentScaleFactor(0.5);” when running on a 3GS.

@GavT GMTDEV Thanks for reply. Scale 0.5 for iPhone 3GS is not working btw.

I just solved the iPhone problem with the code from the TestCpp iOS sample which is incl. in Cocos2d-x 2.0.2.

For iOS I use 2 asset sizes for iPhone 3GS 320x480 and iPhone4 640x960.
The same iPhone 4 asset size is used for iPad (non retina).

The coords on iOS are ALL based on 320x480 except on iPad: On iPad I have to scale position(x,y) = ccp(x*2,y*2)

Check the attachment for my setup code and my method to scale the CCPoint coords