Introducing Frog Basketball, a cross-platform cocos2d-x game

Hey guys,

We released our game, Frog Basketball, for Android today. It’s a free, retro-styled 8-bit game using cocos2d-x and Box2D. Download here:

We’re using the awesome CCBlade and VRope extensions. We ported VRope from iPhone. Let me know if you’re interested in the code.

iPhone and iPad HD versions have been submitted and are currently waiting for Apple’s review.

Thanks for developing (and porting) such an awesome game engine. We wouldn’t have been able to make such an awesome game (in our opinion) without it.

We’re not currently monetizing the app because we’re waiting to see if people enjoy it first.



Seven Leaf

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I think you can use CCBlade and Rope to make more complicated games :slight_smile:

Thanks Walzer!

I made this game in just over three weeks of free time, but more complex games are to come :slight_smile:

Hey there - quick update.

Apple approved our iPhone and iPad versions today! Super smooth review cycle - 5 days.

If you’re interested in checking either version out, here are pre-release promo codes.

We aren’t actually releasing the app until next week, but these promo codes will let you download the game now

**Frog Basketball *
**Frog Basketball HD (iPad)*