Incorrect touch position on hiding navigation bar on Android 4.x

Hi, I’m using cocos2d-x v3.2 for my game on Android.

While the game is running, if player hides the system navigation bar, then the game view is dropped down by a distance equals to the hidden navbar.

And hence, the touch position Y becomes incorrect, player need to touch above a button in game to actually get the button.

What I want is to keep game view stay inact on hiding/showing navbar, so that touch position is handled correctly.

Would you please help?

Some notes:

  • Navbar is the bottom bar that contains Back, Home, AppDrawer/Menu buttons on Android 4.x devices
  • To hide the navbar on rooted device: adb shell service call activity 42 s16
  • To get it show back: adb shell am startservice -n
  • Some custom ROMs add a button to navbar to show/hide navbar anytime.

Thanks a lot, guys :blush:

guys pls help :smiley:

Hey @stnguyenvn, did you find a solution for fullscreen on android ?