In app purchases in cocos2dx for IOS?

I wanted to integrate In app purchase in my cocos2dx project for ios. I dont know obj c.

I want to lock some scenes that will unlock after purchases but have no idea how to do it please guide me.

The easiest way is to get an iPhone StoreKit tutorial and build a very simple IAP store in Objective-C.

Open that Controller from cocos2d-x and communicate with it to determine what is purchased and send the user to the store.

Then you can build a simple store in native code which is easier than C++ for many people.

That’s what I’m doing — not sure that’s the best way but it will work.

Google “dualface”. I use it and it works for me.

is there any tutorial available?

I search for dualface but didnt got it :frowning:


Hi all, have you tried plugin-x under COCOS2DX_ROOT/plugin.
It not only has IAP wrapper, but also analytics, share, social and ADS wrappers.
More information about plugin-x please refer to these docs.

I am getting error when I run dualface example

Hehehe …

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  • discribe your problem with all details you have
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there is also the solution, that is open source

faisal khalid wrote:

I downloaded dualface/cocos2d-x-extensions.I dont know how to use it so I try to run cocos2dx-extensions-demo example but when trying to run I am getting the following error
USER DEFINED ISSUES - #error “Cannot recognize the target platform; are you targeting an unsupported platform?”
Can anyone tell me how to use this extention for iap?
I tried my luck with but when trying to export it says cocos2d-x comming soon