[SOLVED] Importing a Physics Editor body

Could someone please guide me through the steps of importing a physics body from the physics body editor?
Link to Physics Body Editor

Solved. There was a minor issue I have worked out.

How did you solve it? Please provide details so others might benefit.

I used SonarSystems method here Just dont forget to download the MyBodyParser files from the link in description and if developing for android dont forget to add it to the Android.mk file

I do have an issue were my physics body from the editor is that same size as that of my sprite. When imported using the same sprite the physics body is much larger than the sprite. Any ideas?

Solved by simply changing the size of the sprite in an image editor such as Photoshop then bringing it back into the Physics Editor

OK thanks. I use PhysicsEditor and I found I had to write my own custom exporter configuration and C++ import class in order to use it with Cocos2d-x v3.x. It was a useful process though.

No prob and thats great :smiley:

Hi, how to detect a collision using physics editor?