Im using Windows10: How to use Cocos and Visual Studio to create game in Cocos2d-x?

I am baffled what this Cocos is since I am able to layout game assets but where do I write code? Is this Cocos tool meant for layouting purposes only?

How to work hand in hand with Visual Studio and Cocos where you are layouting and writing code at the same time?
I am so confused. I think I’ll be spending the whole day just to be able to run CPP TESTS in Visual Studio or whichever IDE it is.

Cocos - is our GUI tool that helps create new projects and manage projects. The future of this project is unknown. Cocos GUI never supported VS 2015.

cocos - is also available from the command-line and does most of what the GUI tool does, but it isn’t helpful with project management like the GUI tool was. When you run cocos new there should be a VS project created. If you are running v3.13.1 then have a look here specifically at the post by @IanHu

Cocos Studio - this was our layout and scene creation tool. It is EOL’d

Code IDE - this was our JavasScript/LUA IDE. It is EOL’d

Cocos Creator is our new unified game development environment. It supports JavaScript. Lua and C++ are coming. There is this thread where @ricardo is providing updates on his progress.

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thanks for the info :smiley:

Is your reply up to date? anything new i should be aware of(I use Windows 10)?

[quote=“slackmoehrle, post:2, topic:32833”] Are they here yet?
Lua and C++ are coming.

My reply is over 2 years old now…

haha just wanted to confirm. I know you can add it in via Plug-in but is it like, wholesome? With the plug it can you do a game in 100% c++?

What? I’m confused. Plugins?

I’m so confused. Just a few days ago in the Cocos Creator Docs, there were instructions on how to integrate C++ into the Cocos Creator. Now it just says ‘page not found’. Well, this is annoying.

What page? If you select the link given, it doesn’t take me anywhere

it works for me…


Must be my laptop :confused:

I guess I must have just dreamed I saw a solution for adding C++ into Cocos Creator

You can use Creator to layout your Scene and they export to c++. However, if you change something in Creator you need to re-export. If you change something in code, it doesn’t reflect in Creator. It is really used as a one way process.

I see! So in a way you don’t actually need Java-Script knowledge to use Creator. Correct? It works like Balsamic

No to use Creator as intended you need JavaScript. If you don’t know JavaScript and want a GUI layout tool you can create your GUI in a Creator and export it to c++ classes but this isn’t the intended use of Creator. It is just a perk.