i'm problem to rotate sprite on IPhone 4S and IPad2

This problem does not occur in other devices.
When you rotate the sprite on iPhone 4S and IPAD2
Sprite is broken.
Please help me

This Problem to Clear to myself ^^;;

Check this thread, may be it will help - http://www.cocos2d-x.org/boards/7/topics/8109

Doyoon Kwon… Is Dmitry’s reply same with your solution?

한국어 : 권도윤님, 혹시 해결책이 답글에 달려있는 스레드에서 말하는 방법인
CCDirector::sharedDirector~~>setProjection; 이거나
이거 둘중에 하나인가요?

아니면 혹시 다른 방법을 사용하신건지 궁금합니다^^;;

CCDirector::sharedDirector->setProjection(CCDirectorProjection2D);를 사용했습니다.