IllegalArgumentException: Unable to find native library: cocos2dcpp

Please answer these questions to help fix this issue:
What’s the issue? Not able to compile CPP code, I guess
What’s the engine version? cocos2dx-x-3.0beta2
How to reproduce it? Run in Device.

I setup all the required env vaariables. but not able to compile CPP files.

When I try to compile from CYGWIN with commands

I am getting the following error:

The Selected NDK toolchain version was 4.8 !
ERROR: You are using a non-Cygwin compatible Make program.

Stuck with Android Compilation since 3 days… Though I could able to run win32 build.


Try to upgrade to cocos2d-x 3.0rc0, and read the wiki page:

thanks Oowen… Let me try :slight_smile: