If not specify all parameters in the function, then what's the default value? (JS syntax related)

According to the following description of addChild function

addChild(child, zOrder, tag)
“add” logic MUST only be on this method
If a class want’s to extend the ‘addChild’ behaviour it only needs
to override this method
{cc.Node} child
{Number} zOrder
{Number} tag

If I don’t specify tag, what’s the default value would be?


however, you should not find child by

if you are wondering about the syntax, here it is

var tempzOrder = (zOrder != null) ? zOrder : child.getZOrder();
var tmptag = (tag != null) ? tag : child.getTag();

which translates to, if z-order and tag is unspecified, it uses the child’s z-order and/or tag.

cc.Node default tag is cc.CCNODE_TAG_INVALID, and default z-order is 0