Idea: Using Cocos2d-x JS to develop cross-platform native (utility) apps

After building some games using Cocos2d-x JS bindings, I had the odd idea of using Cocos2d-x JS for cross-platform app development (stuff besides games). I’m wondering what the drawbacks are of creating a set of native UI components so that one could easily write cross-platform (iOS, Android) apps in JS. I’ve used current solutions and none of them seem particularly good (Phonegap uses webviews and is really slow, while Titanium’s Appcelerator product is flaky). If anyone’s interested in bouncing ideas, please drop me a line

Appcelerator performance better than html5/hponegap and slower than native app


why does abode purchase phonegap rather than develop another html framework?
it needs a lot lot lot work and money to construct framework
Accelerator got 50million from capital venture, and MS also will purchase it.
Do you think you can do better than MS with less than 50 million?