IAP Android onSuccess never triggered

Hello , I’ve noticed that the IAP listener onSuccess is never been triggered , how can we navigate scenes inside the game after purchasing ?

keeping the info of the user in sharedpreferences or what alike to save user data … I’ve looked around found the userDefault but not in the javascript version … what is the alternative in cocosCreator ?


Do you mean IAP plugin of SDKBox?
How do you test the IAP ?

Not sure if I have well understood your second question, but if you want to save data you can use

Yes InApp Purchases

I’ve uploaded apk to the google play console then I’ve added in app product item …

then tested it after purchasing
the onSuccess is not event triggered though


Does this data stay in the application even if the user cleared the cache … What i mean I’m looking for a way to save the status of the user after purchasing or paying subscription fee ?

Is that clear ?

If they clear the cache yes, if they clear the data no. But you just have to listen onRestored event, and it will restore it :wink: You put the same thing on your onRestored function than on your onSuccess function.

For your onSuccess function I have no idea. You’ve made like this on the init? :

                onSuccess: function (product) {                
                onRestored: function (product) {
                    //Restore function


Yes , you mean to implement the same methods on

onSuccess and onRestored ?

yes, to restore the datas

I’m not asking about the data … I’m looking for a way to configure the response once the purchase has been done ?
onSuccess isn’t being executed … I don’t know why ?

while the onProductRequestSuccess is running fully right … ?

If anybody can help ?