I wrote a small routine which allows horizontal and vertical flipped tiles from Tiled Editor

Hey guys,

i implemented a small routine in the CCTMXLayer class which enables the functionality to use horizontal and vertical flipped tiles. Just wanted to know how i can contribute my method to the project? Whom do i have to contact or where can i push my branch?


You can pull a request, the github address is https://github.com/cocos2d/cocos2d-x.

I added it to a github repository. this are the only 2 classes it affected. it affects right now ONLY the CCTMXLayer::appendTileForGid method as this was the only method ever called in my code when adding a tiled layer. Don’t know when insertTileForGid and updateTileForGid are called. Maybe someone with more insight can check this out or enlighten me here :slight_smile:

this is the link to the repo:
