I use CCTextFieldTTF to input words,but it doesn't work.

I use CCTextFieldTTF to input words,and to get what I inputs as follow:

char save[100];
int str_i;
bool Creat::onTextFieldInsertText (CCTextFieldTTF * pSender, const char **text, int nLen)
save[str_i++] =**text;

if (‘’ == *text)
save[—str_i] = ‘’;

It work well on computer,and save[] can keep what I inputs by keyboard。
But when I run it on android phone, it doesn’t work, save[] can,t get what I inputs by phone’s Virtual keyboard。

PS:I’m a college student, I’m trying to learn cocos2d-x. If there are something wrong with my Program, please tell me, or give me a DEMO, let me know how to solve this question.