I have succeeded in android to run on tweejump

I have succeeded in android to run on tweejump

Sharing a ‘android mk’ files, replace it can achieve transplantation

an.jpg (52.5 KB)

Android.mk.zip (0.6 KB)

It may be great if you share your experience.

BTW: Could you please use a name that those people who are not Chinese can understand.

Good to see the game working with Android. Since I have AirplaySDK also I was going to try it on the various platforms also.

Hi there.

This is just what I’m looking for please can you share your method for doing this please?

I’ve downloaded the TweeJump cocos-2dx code, how do I add android to it? Then how to I build it? I copied the TweeJump cocos2dx source into a new project folder with an android directory already in it and added your Android.mk file. However running ./build_native.sh stops a few lines in and complains “No rule to make target `game’, needed by `ndk-app-local’.”

Any idea?

Thanks a lot