I have a problem of "TileMap"

I want to editor a map. When I add to cocos2d, these tile layers are visible.But these object layers don’t be visible. Why? thanks!

hello, if you attached your codes and the tmx file, that will be helpful.

Ok. There is a object layer.

The object layer can insert object and insert tile object. and cocos2d can’t support “insert tile object”?

cocos2d-x supports “insert tile object”, i don’t know how you get and use the object,
you could refer to TileMapTest first, “TMXOrthoObjectsTest” has showed how to use tmx objects.

I have read “TMXOrthoObjectsTest”. the test draw a rectangle by use “x”, “y”, “width”, “height” of “insert object”. In the “insert tile object” (not “insert object”). there is a “gid” target.Then I see the parser process, there is not to parser “gid” key.My version of cocos2d is 0.9.1

Yes, it does not paser grid field. What does the xml tilemap file generated? I am not sure it is supported by cocos2d-iphone.

Yes, the laster Tiled Map Editor is Version 0.7.0! And the cocos2d-iphone parser code is version 0.6.0!

So it is.

How can i make a tile map layer invisible?