I can't install template...(Windows 8 Metro)

I click “Cocos2dx-win8-vs2011-Template.vsi” to install
But Visual Studio 11 Express Say:
“There is no editor availablle for
Make sure the application for the file type (.vsi) is installed.”

Help me…. i try 2 computers……the same

Should i need install extension for install vsi?

Thanks a lot

Sorry about that, Visual Studio 11 Express may not support vsi.
But here is 2 advices:

  1. You may want to instal vs2011 vs2011 Ultimate beta.
  2. CheckOut these pages:
    How to install .vsi file?
    Visual Studio installer

You can rename the .vsi file to .zip and put the files in Studio 2012\Templates\ProjectTemplates\Visual C++ Project
That should do the trick :slight_smile: