HTML5 Sprite Sheets with Polygon info

Are sprite sheets using polygons supported by javascript? In my case I’m using web only (ie --no-native on new) and cocos2d version 3.11.

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I bump this. right now cocos2d-x is on 3.15.1 and the html5 framework seems to be on 3.8 (by what is on /cocos2d-x-3.15.1/web/CHANGELOG.txt)

And using Texture Packer with the polygon trimming seems to not be working on browsers (tested on firefox and chrome). It works on android though.

I wonder if it is because the html5 framework isn’t properly updated for every cocos2d-x release or just because the feature isn’t there yet.

I did a little more of research on this.

Seems the changelog isn’t being updated ( Cocos2d-html5 is correctly being updated with cocos2d-x releases. (You can check the cc.ENGINE_VERSION constant defined in cocos2d-x-3.15.1/web/cocos2d/core/platform/CCConfig.js)

Probably the feature isn’t there, I opened an issue for that:

EDIT: Yep, the feature isn’t there. Check the github issue.