HTML5 - Sometimes my app has stopped to load

I didn’t figure out why sometimes my project has stopped to load. I’ve using coco-html5. anyone have idea about it? any idea is highly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help. :slight_smile:

Hi, Jonathan

Most of the time, the loading process stop for network connecting reason, and that depends on your server, your browser and the network state. And yes, sometimes the page stop from downloading the ressources, and cocos2d-html5 will wait.
That’s a common issue for web applications which need a ressources preload, especially on mobile version.
I believe there is no better solution than cutting your ressources files size. But if your page doesn’t load a great amount of ressources, keep me in touch, maybe there is some other reasons.


Thank you Huabin. I considered it as one of the reason why it stop to load sometimes because of large file size on my images. I’m developing animation using coco2d-html5 for my thesis project. I’ve not test it yet on my web server but hopefully soon.

Hope you enjoy your thesis project with Cocos2d, post when you find problems issues or whatever you need us to know.

yes I enjoyed using about this framework. :slight_smile: Is there have other possibility why it stop to load?

There may have issues with cc.Loader, like this one:
If you met some problem that you think due to our engine implementation, please let us know, we will try to fix in the future version.
Good look!

This is a rather dumb question, but: have you checked the console for errors?
Are you accessing the app directly from the filesystem (i.e. “C:.html”) or have you installed a server in your machine and enter from there (i.e. “”)?