[html5] clipping BUG


I find a bug in clipping render on cocos2d-html5 2.2.2.

I’m building my next update with cocoStudio and I have 3 ScrollViews, two horizontal and one vertical on the background.
When I put the vertical background scrollview I get a visual problem on the web browser (doesn’t happen on cocostudio emulator and on the devices, only on web browsers)

I thik there is a problem on cc.DrawNode, but I cannot found a solution for this problem. Couls someone help me found a solution?

I attach a screenshot of the problem.

Bug-Clipping.jpg (87.5 KB)

Which mode did you find the problem,webgl or canvas?

I’m using auto with chrome. Which uses “webgl”.

I modified auto to 1 (canvas) and give me this error.

Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Class> has no method '_super' UILayout.js:383
ccs.Layout.ccs.Widget.extend._stencilClippingVisitForCanvas UILayout.js:383
ccs.Layout.ccs.Widget.extend.visit UILayout.js:186
ccs.Layout.ccs.Widget.extend._stencilClippingVisitForCanvas UILayout.js:424
ccs.Layout.ccs.Widget.extend.visit UILayout.js:186
cc.Node.cc.Class.extend._visitForCanvas CCNode.js:1746
ccs.Widget.ccs.NodeRGBA.extend.visit UIWidget.js:180
cc.Node.cc.Class.extend._visitForCanvas CCNode.js:1746
cc.Node.cc.Class.extend._visitForCanvas CCNode.js:1746
cc.Node.cc.Class.extend._visitForCanvas CCNode.js:1746
cc.Node.cc.Class.extend._visitForCanvas CCNode.js:1746
cc.Node.cc.Class.extend._visitForCanvas CCNode.js:1746
cc.Director.cc.Class.extend.drawScene CCDirector.js:355
cc.DisplayLinkDirector.cc.Director.extend.mainLoop CCDirector.js:1235
callback CCApplication.js:372

I changed the this._super() call to “cc.Node.prototype.visit.call(this, ctx);” and works fine on canvas mode.