HowTo: Test the TestCpp Sample Classes on Cocos2dX


Okay so in my quest to become better in Cocos2dx i go to “test folder” and take a look at the examples. .In my utter disappointment , the ‘sample Classes’ looks like a bunch of pallettes randomly and frenzieldy strewn on canvass. .Im like “HOW THE F*** AM I SUPPOSE TO GET FAMILIAR WITH COCOS2D-X WITH THIS SHABBY DEMOS, LIKE WHERE AND HOW DO I EVEN START??” , I dont even have an idea how to run the sample Classes, .

so Im asking you guyz. . what should I do first??? Im looking for a laymen’s, beginner-friendly samples but It’s hard to look for such… Let’s start with a Comprehensible Touch Event Tutorials, anyone got some? :smiley:

You need this, but this document is run with Cocos2d-x 3.x, which I recommend a new comer to start with

To run the sample for Cocos2d-x 2.2.x, watch this screenshot below, it shows the TestCpp project of Xcode.

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appreciate the help brah, im now running TestCpp on my Simulator, so far so good :smile:
I’ve got a game from Corona SDK, wanna help me port it to Cocos2D-x? or should i just publish it in its Corona format (: ?