How work with new physics model to use PhysicsContactListener


Im version 2.0 we use direct box2d contact listener, but in version 3.0 i dont find on source anyway to create or set a contact listener.

How i can set a contact listener on PhysicsWorld in cocos2d-x v3.0?


I have not readed cocos2d-x 3.0 document.
I found here is a cocos2d-x3.0 project, there is contact listener code in it.[[]]
but I don’t know if it is used in correct way.

There dont have it. The project was made on Lua. It only have a navite class AppDelegate.

I need how can i create/set a PhysicsContactListener in cocos2d-x v.30 (c++).

I dont think that it need be hard.

I found something about it in the v 3.0 release notes:


Problem solved with the tutorial and the sample project: