How use QT to develop Cocos2d-x Tools

I want to develop cocos2d-x Tools use QT,NowI can run Hello World Dem use QT on Mac.
My problem is how to put CCGLView in QWidget,
I see that CCGLView on Mac use GLFW library, but I don’t know how to put GLFW in QWidget。
or should I rewrite CCGLView inheritance QObject?

Can some one please help me please。

I also want to know how to use QT to develop cocos2d-x tools on windows.:stuck_out_tongue:

@panni1843 wrote:

I also want to know how to use QT to develop cocos2d-x tools on windows.:stuck_out_tongue:

yes, me too.

I worked on linux used qtcreator , and make a template patch for cocos2d-x v2.2.x here:
Maybe you can config your template from my template

You can bind a QOpenGLContext to a QWindow like this:

You should be able to create a Cocos GL View on that. The QOpenGLContext API should have most of what is needed for eg turning on clipping or scissor:

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can you give more details about how to wrap CCGLView to QWindowor QFrame? thx.

I have same problem like this & try to implement glew in QObject , but not work.

I think it’s not a good idea,but you provide detail

forget me my chinese english.