How to use "this->getChildren"

I am trying to make a bubble shooter game. I have searched all but not getting any help from anywhere If anyone has the source code then please give that to me.


If you can help me in solving this problem

I have been stuck here for so many days…
I am trying to reset the ball in bubble shooter game. Using this->getChildren() gives error as ‘type cast’: cannot convert from ‘cocos2d::Vector’ to ‘cocos2d::Array *’

void BaseScene::resetBallsState()
Array * balls = (Array*) this->getChildren();
for (int j=0; jcount(); j++)
Node * a = (Node*)balls->objectAtIndex(j);
if(a->getTag() >= Tag_Ball_Start)
Ball * currentBall = (Ball*)balls->objectAtIndex(j);
currentBall->hasparent = false;

Array is deprecated. Use vector instead.

Let me show you some simple example:

Vector<Node*> myVector = getChildren();

Vector<Node*>::iterator myIterator;

for (myIterator = myVector.begin(); myIterator != myVector.end(); ++myIterator)
    auto mySprite = *myIterator;
    // do something with this sprite.

Thanks for the help.
Will using vector instead of array can do the same task?

And how can I change my code for vector here.
Here is my code where I need to use this:

int BaseScene::generateRandom()
int rn = arc4random()%6+1;
CCArray * balls = (CCArray*) this->getChildren();
CCArray * ballsTypeLeft = CCArray::create();
for (int j=0; jcount(); j++)
CCNode * a = (CCNode*)balls->objectAtIndex(j);
if(a->getTag() >= Tag_Ball_Start)

Ball * currentBall = (Ball*)balls->objectAtIndex(j);
bool alreadyHas = false;
for(int k=0;kcount();k++)
if(strcmp(((CCString*)ballsTypeLeft->objectAtIndex(k))->getCString(), (CCString::createWithFormat("%d",currentBall->type))->getCString()) == 0)
alreadyHas = true;

if(ballsTypeLeft->count() <=2)
int tmp = arc4random()%ballsTypeLeft->count();
return ((CCString*)ballsTypeLeft->objectAtIndex(tmp))->intValue();

return rn;

you’re welcome.
Yes, the vector is standard for C*+ (Array is come from cocos2d obj-C)

Vector<Node*> balls = getChildren();
Vector<Node*>::iterator myIterator;

for (myIterator = balls.begin(); myIterator != balls.end(); ++myIterator)
 auto a = *myIterator;
if(a->getTag() >= Tag_Ball_Start)
  //do some work with a

For “addObject” method you can use “pushback” method in vectors.

Search google for vector and you can find your answer, and if you need some help, always, there is some people here to help you.

Thank you so much its working.

But what about the line “Ball * currentBall = (Ball*)balls->objectAtIndex(j);”
what should I do over here.
I am quite new to this so not able to make it working.

It would be more helpful if you can convert the whole method using Vector.
Desperately waiting for the reply.
Thanks in advance.

int BaseScene::generateRandom()
    int rn = arc4random()%6+1;
    Vector<Node*>  balls =  this->getChildren();
    Vector<string> ballsTypeLeft;
        for (Node * a : balls)
//            CCNode * a = (CCNode*)balls->objectAtIndex(j);
            if(a->getTag() >= Tag_Ball_Start)
                Ball * currentBall = dynamic_cast<Ball*>(a);
                bool alreadyHas = false;
                for(int k=0;kcount();k++)
                    if(strcmp(((CCString*)>getCString(), (CCString::createWithFormat("%d",currentBall->type))->getCString()) == 0)
                        alreadyHas = true;
    if(ballsTypeLeft.size() <=2)
        int tmp = arc4random()%ballsTypeLeft.size();
        return ((CCString*)>intValue();
    return rn;

I do nt understand from where jcount(), and kcount() came, so i improvised… you must modify above code to suits your needs better.


Thanks a lot.

It was “j < balls -> count();” in place of jcount and
k < ballsTypeLeft -> count() in place of kcount.

I have uploaded the error I am getting when using this code.
What should I do next?

Inside for loop replace ballsTypeLeft->count() with ballsTypeLeft.size(), I think you should look into Vector and its method to better understand what methods you have. Also ballsTypeLeft is uninitialized so it will always return 0 when you do ballsTypeLeft.size(). Initialize it with appropriate type as well in order for it to work.

This is the error I am getting after changing.
What shoud I do now?

I am not getting the help from anywhere. What should I have to do the next?
Please help.


ballsTypeLeft is a vector of String, you can not cast String to String*.
To solve your problem, ballsTypeLeft has to be declared as Vector<String*>.
IMHO, std::vector<std::string> is better.

Thanks a lot.
All the errors has been resolved.

But a new error came after compiling and I don’t have any idea from where it is coming.

  1. Error C2672 ‘std::invoke’: no matching overloaded function found OnVisual c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 14.0\vc\include\type_traits 1491


2.Error C2893 Failed to specialize function template ‘unknown-type std::invoke(_Callable &&,_Types &&…)’ OnVisual c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 14.0\vc\include\type_traits 1491

Can you post the full error log so I can know where the errors come from?

This is the only error I am getting. I don’t know from where it coming.
If anyone wants then I can upload my full source code.
Please help