How to use New Label's glyph correctly?

Hello everyone,
I’ve just replaced LabelTTFs with New Labels, but when I use it with glyphs, I met a problem.

auto label = Label::createWithTTF("abcd", FONT, 48, 0, TextHAlignment::LEFT, GlyphCollection::CUSTOM, "abcd");
label->setPosition(Point(400, 400));
label = Label::createWithTTF("efgh", FONT, 48, 0, TextHAlignment::LEFT, GlyphCollection::CUSTOM, "efgh");
label->setPosition(Point(400, 100));

But I saw only ‘abcd’ are displayed, ‘efgh’ did not appear. In the console it says:

cocos2d-x debug info [WARNING: can't find letter definition in font file for letter: e]
cocos2d-x debug info [WARNING: can't find letter definition in font file for letter: f]
cocos2d-x debug info [WARNING: can't find letter definition in font file for letter: g]
cocos2d-x debug info [WARNING: can't find letter definition in font file for letter: h]

It seems that it’s a problem with the glyphs. I use the label to display Chinese characters so I have to ue the glyphs. What should I do?

Hi all,
I’ve just solved it simply by downloading cocos2d-x v3.0beta2 and upgrading my app to this version.
If you met the same problem, just upgrade your Cocos2d-x and you’ll enjoy it!

Anyway, thank you very much!

Thanks for sharing.