How to upgrade Cocos2d-x versions for existing games? [XCode]


I have a game written in Cocos2d-x v2.1.1 and I wish to upgrade to v2.1.4.

So I initially forced installed the new templates; created a mock project and dumped the new cocos2d-x code onto my old game.
Obviously that didn’t work :slight_smile: Getting does not exist.

What is the best practice of upgrading an existing project?
My game is currently being developed on XCode but it would also be great to know how to do that for Android


Cocos2d-x designed to be added as subproject. I.e you should drag-and-drop cocos2d xcode project from Finder to XCode window where you game project already is opened. After drop cocos2d xcode project becomes subproject.

If you’ve used this approach, you can just replace content of directory where you local cocos2d copy places.