How to target cocos2d-x game for Windows Phone 8.1

I’m using VS 2013 Ultimate, first, I just created new Helloworld, It worke well and then I tried to right click to the projects and select Retarget to Windows Phone 8.1 and then rebuild, lots of errors appear, I don’t know how to handle it (and of course, it seems not to be a right way to modify cocos library to correct those errors).
So, can someone tell me how to retarget my game (created using v3.2 final) to Windows Phone 8.1?
Thanks in advance.

Did you have a look at this:

Thanks you, I did read that post but it didn’t help, anyway, I’ve tried once more time and it worked, don’t know why though.



How did you manage to fix those problems? I am also trying to retarget cocos solution to 8.1 since I really need enhanced C++ 11 support but I am struggling with the amount of compile problems that it creates.

It all starts with “#using failed on …”. It seems to be expecting .winmd (windows meta-data files) to be created for the dependent projects but that doesn’t happen.

Even if I manage to fix those by settings “Reference Assembly Output” to false, I still get linking problems in the late phase.

I’m having the same problem. Is there a solution for this yet?

Yes, since 3.3rc1, cocos2d-x has a Windows 8.1 universal app template

Do you need vs2013 and windows phone sdk 8.1 for it ?

Visual Studio community edition will do too

For running the windows universal app vs2013 update 3 and above are required and windows phone sdk 8.1 and device running 8.1 is required.