How to show fade in/out effect when scenes being replaced?

When I use replaceScene, How to apply fade in/out effect between those two scenes?

Can u anybody plz give me a simple example of it? Thx.

I think you should run TestCpp and checkout TransitionTest.

Ah! Okay. Thx for your advice, Minggo.

I have seen your great works here whenever I tried to find some information about cocos2d-x cuz I am a learner, and I used to guess you are a member of the developer of Cocos2d-x team including James Chen. Is it right?

Anyway, Thx a lot. :slight_smile:

You can apply several Transitions using the CCTransition classes.

For example, to create a Fading effect:

// cocos2d-x-2.0.4

// This will replace a scene with a fading transition effect.
// The fade effect has a duration of 0.2 seconds, opens HelloWorld::scene(), and tints the screen YELLOW instead of the default BLACK.
CCTransitionFade * trans = CCTransitionFade::create( 0.2f, HelloWorld::scene(), ccYELLOW );
CCDirector()::sharedDirector() -> replaceScene( trans );

Thx so much Lance Gray