How to share Score on Facebook with Cocos2dx v3.5 ? Help me!

Hi all,

i am doing a android game with Cocos2dx v3.5 C++,
but i don’t know How to share Score on Facebook
i tried many ways, but not success

i hope to receive for help from anyone,

thanks everyone !

We have the answer!


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thank you, i tried it, but i don’t success when use it

can you help me use it ?

Wow, that would be a fast implementation! Facebook has several steps.

Did you follow this:

error, i tried fix it, but not success, help me,

can you share me full code of this problem ?

thank you very much !

  1. I would do your sdkbox::PluginFacebook::init() in AppDelegate or someplace before you actually use FaceBook.

  2. For your error, try sdkbox::FB_LINK as maybe you don’t have using namespace sdkbox; someplace.

  3. Samples:

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i’m sorry, but it’s error,

i need you help me, you are very much !

why are you including plugin\jni.....etc

no need to include sdkbox anything


#include "PluginFacebook/PluginFacebook.h"

can you share me a project(cpp) about share facebook with cocos2d v3 c++ ?

i tried do it, but not suceess !

I think everything you need is here

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i found error when install sdkbox, help me !

i can’t include plugin, help me !

For SDKBOX you need to pass parameters.


sdkbox import Facebook

Please follow the docs that I mentioned above. They go through everything you need.

  1. install the Facebook plugin
  2. follow the docs I provided above
  3. ensure this means you are including headers, init() and login() to say the least here.

I can help with specific errors, but not really a general “I cannot include a header” This means probably you don’t have the libraries added to your project.

Also, we support iOS and Android only.

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