how to setup the RESOURCE path?

hi!~ thx for your works.

i open the helloWorld solution, i found a folder name “RESOURCE”,
then i put all of my pictures in it.

after i run the template/…./setup_vs2008.js

i setuped my solution.
and i had to put All of my pircture into the “win32_debug” folder.

how can i put all of my pictures into the “currentProject/Resource” folder?

You can take a look at cocos2d-x/tests/test.win32/copy_res.bat
And I call this bat at tests.win32.vcproj > proerties> BuildEvents -> Post-Build Event:
Command Line = copy_res.bat $(OutDir)

Each time the sources are built, the resources will be copied to OutDir.

thank you very much!
it works!