How to set widget top/bottom value in percentage


target3.getComponent(cc.Widget).top = 97;

The above line sets the value in pixels.
Is there any way to set this value in percentage via code.

I haven’t tried this myself but have you tried using a string ?

.top = '97%'

I am quite sure this didn’t work , i remember tried doing this way earlier.
Besides in api it specifies the type as Number.

You’re right. I just tried it myself and couldn’t find a way to do it.

From the documentation on class cc.Widget:

  • isAbsoluteHorizontalCenter Boolean If true, horizontalCenter is pixel margin, otherwise is percentage (0 - 1) margin.
  • isAbsoluteVerticalCenter Boolean If true, verticalCenter is pixel margin, otherwise is percentage (0 - 1) margin.
  • isAbsoluteTop Boolean If true, top is pixel margin, otherwise is percentage (0 - 1) margin relative to the parent’s height.
  • isAbsoluteBottom Boolean If true, bottom is pixel margin, otherwise is percentage (0 - 1) margin relative to the parent’s height.
  • isAbsoluteLeft Boolean If true, left is pixel margin, otherwise is percentage (0 - 1) margin relative to the parent’s width.
  • isAbsoluteRight Boolean If true, right is pixel margin, otherwise is percentage (0 - 1) margin relative to the parent’s width.

Seems that this is what you need.

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