How to Sequence actions on different CCNods in the same time?

i need to run Sequence of actions on different CCNods in the same time , do i need to rune 2 CCSequence::create ?
i need them to start in the same time. and if i will execute 2 CCSequence::create one after the other , the nods will not run the actions in the same time .
any solution ?

I think you can simple create two instances of sequence on two your nodes. Actions will not start when you call them in your code (e.g. node1~~>runAction; node2~~>runAction(action2) is not mean that action1 will start before action2). They really start when you get out from your own methods and main loop of the cocos2dx will process the new frame to show. So, in those moment there will be two actions to show: action1 and action2.

If you want to run identicall actions on both nodes, you can add them to another temporary node on which you will run your action.