How to run cocoStudio Sample in cocos2d-html5

I’m using cocos2d-html5 now, and decide to update it to version 2.2
I used cocos-buidler before, but since I haven’t got mac at home, I want to turn to cocoStudio now. I saw something like UI sample, Animation sample and others which in cocoStudio default, and how can I see these in cocos2d-html5. (I find some sample in sample/tests/ExtensionsTest/CocoStudioArmatureTest, but it’s not fits the sample in cocoStudio)
btw, is there any tutorial for cocoStuido now? Is cocos2d-html5+cocoStuido+jsb is a good choice(because of my poor C++)

Sorry, Cocos2d-html5 only support armature now.