How to reduce the final build size of a cocos2dx project?

You should re-generate binding codes since you changed the macro.

here is a lite version of cocos2d-x

What do you mean? I donā€™t understand, Iā€™m just executing cocos gen-libsā€¦

Why WebP removed in it? Iā€™m using WebP as one type resource for both platforms. Thats what I need most.
And moreover Iā€™m using SpriteBuilderX with custom cocos, based on current official version.

You modified the macro value from 1 to 0, you should re-generate binding codes to unbind some functions. You need to set up environments as the readme says, then you can do

cd cocos2dx_root/tools/tolua
python ./

cd ../tojs
python ./
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Ok, I probably should try it. But how do you think it will save my final build size? Iā€™d prefer never use any bindingsā€¦ or scripts and save build time and size.

I didnā€™t say it will save you package size, just help you to fix compiling error.