How to print extended characters using CCLabelTTF?

I’m loading a ttf as a test ( Printing the normal letters and numbers of that font is plain and simple and works fine. But then the requirements of the game changed and now I need to print the extended characters too. The way I’m printing the characters is the following:

char buffer[8] = {0};
sprintf(buffer, "%c", 65); //  prints the letter A
CCLabelTTF *label = CCLabelTTF::create(buffer, "Comfortaa.ttf", 20)

and when I try to print a special character like À it works

char buffer[8] = {0};
sprintf(buffer, "À"); //  prints the letter À
CCLabelTTF *label = CCLabelTTF::create(buffer, "Comfortaa.ttf", 20)

but when I take the ASCII value of À that is 192 it won’t work and I get blank space

char buffer[8] = {0};
sprintf(buffer, "%c", 192); // doesn't print the letter À
CCLabelTTF *label = CCLabelTTF::create(buffer, "Comfortaa.ttf", 20)

Any ideas on how to solve this? the third example is the one that I need to make it work for my game.

So I found a solution that works but it was a pain. I took the suggestion of some other topics on the forum. The suggested that I need to store the special characters in a file and read it from there and that’s what I did.

I stored all the special characters in a plist as follows:

192 À 193 Á 194 Â 195 Ã 196 Ä 197 Å 198 Æ 199 Ç 200 È 201 É 202 Ê 203 Ë 204 Ì 205 Í 206 Î 207 Ï 209 Ñ 210 Ò 211 Ó 212 Ô 213 Õ 214 Ö 216 Ø 217 Ù 218 Ú 219 Û 220 Ü 224 à 225 á 226 â 227 ã 228 ä 229 å 230 æ 231 ç 232 è 233 é 234 ê 235 ë 236 ì 237 í 238 î 239 ï 241 ñ 242 ò 243 ó 244 ô 245 õ 246 ö 248 ø 249 ù 250 ú 251 û 252 ü

and to use this list all you have to do is write the following:

 CCDictionary* pDict = CCDictionary::createWithContentsOfFile("Comfortaa.plist");
// this will print the letter À
 CCLabelTTF* pLabel = CCLabelTTF::create(((CCString*)pDict->objectForKey("192"))->getCString(), "Comfortaa.ttf", 24);